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COVID-19 Worksite Safety Guidelines

Site is being updated – November 4, 2022


The Navajo Nation Executive Branch Worksite Safety Guidelines (“Guidelines”) are intended to guide Navajo Nation Executive Branch Divisions in having employees return to Worksites safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. These Guidelines are not specific Re-occupancy procedures or guidelines, but should inform development of each Division’s Re-occupancy procedures and guidelines. Divisions are to use discretion in deciding the extent to which they implement these Guidelines into their Re-occupancy procedures and guidelines, and may adopt measures in their procedures and guidelines that go beyond these Guidelines; however, Re-occupancy procedures and guidelines must always be in conformance with the Navajo Nation Personnel Policies Manual (“NNPPM”). These Guidelines shall be in effect for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, or until further notice of the Administration otherwise, and may be amended from time to time.

These Guidelines:

  1. Provide recommended measures for Divisions to implement in their Reoccupancy procedures and guidelines in order to reduce the chances of spreading COVID-19 and keep everyone at the worksite safe. These measures include, among other things—having a process for reporting and handling Cases, requiring employees to wear PPE, and implementing Alternative Work Schedules.
  2. Provide a questionnaire and action items for Divisions to fulfill in order to be ready to implement their Re-occupancy procedures and guidelines before the expiration of administrative leave of nonessential employees
  3. Provide recommended deadlines by which to complete Re-occupancy procedures and guidelines, and accompanying action items necessary to implement them, before the expiration of administrative leave for nonessential employees.

At all times, Divisions shall act in accordance with the following priorities:

Protect ourselves and our co-workers.

By protecting ourselves and our coworkers, we will protect our family members and friends.

Protect clients, customers, and partners we work with.

Provide the best possible work under the circumstances.

Divisions differ in many ways, and each Division’s Re-occupancy procedures and guidelines will be dictated by the given Division’s needs and circumstances. The safety of having employees’ work at their normal worksites may vary over time and will depend on a number of factors— including public health considerations—that indicate how well COVID-19 on the Nation is managed. Divisions should take such changes into account and amend their procedures and guidelines as necessary.

Measures to Consider in Recovery or Workplace Safety Plan

The following measures are recommended to be included in a Division’s Recovery or Worksite Safety Plan in order to protect the health and safety of all individuals at worksites. These measures are designed to apply to all people at the worksite (e.g., Navajo Nation employees, Federal responders, elected officials, volunteers).

1. Direct personnel to not come in or to leave the worksite if:
  • A. Showing signs/symptoms of COVID-19
    • An employee feeling ill or having signs or symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, fatigue, headache, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or new loss of taste or smell) should not report to work or come to the worksite for any reason.
    • Such employees should notify their supervisor of their feeling ill and/ or signs or symptoms, and contact their healthcare provider for further instruction.
    • If an employee develops symptoms while at the worksite, they should notify their supervisor and leave the worksite, and contact their healthcare provider for further instruction.
    • At worksite screening, if an employee’s temperature is detected at or above 100.4 degrees and cannot come inside of worksite.
  • B. They have tested positive for COVID-19, even if they are not displaying symptoms
    • An employee who tests positive for COVID-19 should notify their immediate supervisor as soon as possible.
    • An employee who tests positive for COVID-19 may qualify for COVID-19 leave, and should consult with their supervisor about taking such leave.
  • C. They are a “Close Contact” to a “Case”
    • An employee who was a Close Contact to a Case should notify their immediate supervisor as soon as possible
  • For scenarios A, B, and C:
    • It is very important to be honest and timely when reporting symptoms to help keep everyone safe. This is the only way we can protect ourselves and stay healthy.
    • All reports of symptoms or test results must be kept confidential by supervisors, to the extent that some information may need to be used administratively to properly process necessary paperwork, such as PAFs and payroll documents.
    • If you or your employee were exposed to COVID-19 or test positive for COVID-19, see the below process for case investigation and contact tracing.
    2. Sign-in/out of worksite facilities
    • Require sign-in upon arrival to a worksite facility and sign out when leaving each day. This list will help to identify staff who might have come in contact with a possible COVID-19 case. Divisions should maintain a clean pen container and a used pen container, and must sanitize used pens. If absolutely unable to sanitize used pens, facilities should have a receptionist sign people in, or require people to use their own pens when signing in. Otherwise, sanitize the pen regularly.
    3. Temperature Screening and Checklists
    • Require staff and visitors entering worksite facilities to receive temperature screening upon signing-in each day. Alternatively, checklists may be used, according to previous guidance provided to Divisions. While waiting to be screened, all staff and visitors must practice safe social distancing: spaced at least six-feet apart and wearing a CDC recommended mask. Place tape or other markings on the floor to identify safe social distances. Staff conducting temperature screening should stand at least six-feet away from the person getting screened when checking temperatures. Place tape or some other marking on the floor to mark where people should stand to be screened. For an additional level of monitoring, Divisions should ensure that offices and worksites provide periodic temperature checks or checklist use.
    4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Wear
    • Require staff to wear CDC recommended masks that completely cover the mouth and nose at all times while inside worksite facilities. Wearing a CDC recommended mask reduces the spread of COVID-19 to others, and is only effective when everyone wears a mask. Ensure that the Division has a sufficient PPE supply based on current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and industry best practices. Forbid anyone refusing to wear a mask from entering a facility. Post a sign at each entrance of a facility stating that a mask is required. Exceptions to this rule may be made for persons who are unable to put on their own mask, or who have a medical condition that prevents them from wearing a mask. Employees who interact with the public should wear face shields to protect their eyes.
    5. Social Distancing for Employees
    • Require social distancing—keeping six-feet apart from others at all times— at the worksite. Assign supervisors to ensure social distancing is practiced. Reconfigure workspace, if necessary and appropriate to allow for at least six feet of separation between individuals. Set room-occupancy limits. For individual enclosed offices, no more than two people should be allowed inside. For offices with shared workspace, no more than two people should be allowed at any employee’s desk. For necessary in-person meetings, participants should be seated at least six-feet apart. Maximum safe occupancy should be identified and posted at the entrance to each room. Encourage the use of conference calls and online meetings for meetings with large numbers of people.
    6. Hygiene, Infection Prevention, and Cleaning
    • Educate and train personnel on practicing proper hygiene and cleaning practices for their worksites. Make available hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes or liquid. Encourage personnel to wipe down frequently-touched surfaces (e.g., desks, tables, phones, keyboards) at their workstations with a disposable disinfecting wipe or a disinfecting liquid and paper towel. Have supervisors ensure that all frequently-touched surfaces in common areas are cleaned with CDC recommended products every work day. Encourage personnel to frequently wash hands or use hand sanitizer throughout the day, especially after touching their face, nose, or mouth, or after touching frequently-touched surfaces. Divisions should maintain an adequate cleaning and sanitizing product supply based on current CDC and industry best practices.
    7. Transportation
    • It is the responsibility of any vehicle operator to upon completion of travel to wipe down vehicle used to conduct their duties or run errands. Sanitizing agents and other needed necessities should be available to sanitize the interior and exterior “highly” touch areas. Wear a mask in a shared vehicle, use fresh air through vents or windows, and limit number of people while maintaining distance.
    8. Custodial Services
    • Work with the Facilities Maintenance Department (“FMD”) to ensure your Division’s facilities are kept sanitary. FMD serves eighty-nine facilities in the Fort Defiance, Shiprock, Tuba City, Crownpoint, and Chinle Agencies. The following tasks are performed, respectively, daily, every other day, quarterly, and upon request utilizing a “Work Order Request” form:
      • Daily services: sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, picking up and disposing of trash, infection control on most-frequently-touched surfaces in all common areas (e.g. furniture, countertops, tables, chair handles, light switches, doorknobs, walls, windows, restroom countertops, sinks, stall walls, toilets, dispensers, doorknobs, light switches).
      • It is the responsibility of the employee to sanitize and wipe down their workstation on a periodic basis. The Custodial personnel will NOT service your workstation due allegation of thief, damage or stolen items. The Custodial personnel will on service high traffic areas.
      • Every-other-day services: : supply and dispenser checks in facility to ensure estroom necessities.
      • Quarterly services: stripping and waxing of tiled-floors
      • Services provided upon Work Order Request: additional floor-waxing and carpet-shampooing
      • Deep cleaning: additional cleaning beyond daily services for areas identified as potential COVID-19 exposures. A contracted cleaning company will be scheduled with FMD to clean after a 213 is approved by the Health Command Operations Center Incident Commander or Case Management.
    • Other major cleaning services need to be contracted. FMD’s services are not specifically certified to address COVID-19, in part because FMD does not have training or sanitizing equipment for such specialized services. Nonetheless, the services FMD does provide can help keep worksites clean and help reduce the chances of spreading COVID-19.
    9. Alternative Work Schedules
      • Develop written Alternative Work Schedules conforming to the current NNPPM’s requirements and the Department of Personnel Management’s Alternative Work Schedule regulations. The following may be used separately or combined, as needed, and should be developed in conjunction with DPM. Contact Ms. Reycita Toddy, Delegated Human Resource Director at Reycita.Toddy@dpm.navajo-nsn. gov or (928) 871-6330 to begin to develop Alternative Work Schedules and to submit them. The following are examples of Alternative Work Schedules that support COVID-19-safety practices:
        • Telecommuting: Employees may perform some or all job duties from an alternative worksite, including home. Managers must properly complete and submit a Telecommuting Agreement to the Department of Personnel Management2. Managers must ensure that employees have necessary equipment to telecommute. Managers must provide alternative equipment or processes if necessary equipment is unavailable.
        • Staggered Work Schedule: Some employees work on certain days, or during limited times, while other employees work on other days or at other times. The intent is to reduce the density of employees in the facility at once. For example, one group of employees might work from 8:00 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday, while the other group would work afternoons. Divisions may create staggered schedules, but must provide written notification and a written copy of the staggered schedules to the Department of Personnel Management, Payroll and Risk Management.
        • Compressed Workweek: Employees may be allowed to work more than eight hours per day in order to work fewer than five days per week. Again, in order to set up this kind of schedule, a Division must provide written notification and a written copy of the alternative work schedule to the Department of Personnel Management, Payroll and Risk Management
        • Working Weekends: If a Division implements staggered schedules, and has hourly-wage employees who cannot work remotely, there is a chance those hourly-wage employees will not be able to work their normal 80 hours per pay-period. To address this, Divisions may consider offering such employees to work hours on weekends to make up for hours lost during the week. Again, in order to set up this kind of schedule, a Division must provide written notification and a written copy of the alternative work schedule to the Department of Personnel Management, Payroll and Risk Management.
    10. Hazard Duty Pay
    • Provide Hazard Duty Pay for eligible personnel. Hazard Duty Pay is extra pay for employees deemed essential, and who continued to work from the date of Executive Order No. 10-20 which closed Navajo Nation government offices. The Department of Personnel Management has established Hazard Duty Pay Procedures (No. 20-VII-005), which Division Directors should refer to for further guidance. Hazard Duty Pay is subject to availability of funds. Executive Order No. 04-21 resumed all government services on February 8, 2021.
    11. Communicate Workplace Guidance to Reduce COVID-19 spread
    • Require supervisors to regularly communicate with employees through brief “safety meetings or safety toolbox talks” to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at the worksite, such as:
      • Inform all employees with this updated safety information.
      • Inform and educate all employees on updated COVID-19 guidance as needed, including newly enacted Navajo Nation Council resolutions, executive orders, Public Health Emergency Orders, policies, procedures and rules of behavior in order to provide ongoing safety education.
      • Post signs throughout facilities to remind employees of this guidance. Remind employees in other ways, such as email.
      • Ask employees for feedback. Address requests for special accommodations from employees who have conditions that make them more vulnerable to COVID-19.
    12. Process for Case Investigation and Contact Tracing for Employees
    • A. Preparation
      • Obtain and provide supervisors with up-to-date contact information (e.g., cell phone numbers, alternative phone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses) of all employees. This information should be kept by managers for reference when needed for contact tracing, as well as for other work-related communication.
      • Provide employees with training or information on the following:
        • Guidance and standards for how to respond to suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19 among employees, posted conspicuously where all employees will regularly see them.
        • Basic information about COVID-19 transmission.
        • Pre-symptomatic and Asymptomatic symptoms of COVID-19 exposure.
        • Instructions to stay home if they have any symptoms of COVID-19 or other illnesses.
        • Requirement to wear a face mask at all times while working in worksite facilities or outside in close proximity with other people, even if no symptoms, and to maintain a 6-foot distance from others whenever possible.
        • Instructions to call their manager if they feel ill or have symptoms. If they cannot contact their manager and must come to work to discuss the situation, they must wear a mask, stay outside, and ask an employee in the facility’s reception area (from at least a 6-foot distance) to ask their manager to come and speak with them.
        • Description of sick leave and COVID-19 leave policies and benefits for employees.
        • Instructions to contact the Health Command Operations Center at (928) 871- 7014 for questions and to report potential exposures on the portal.
    • B. Initial Case Notification
    • When employees learn that they have symptoms of COVID-19, have tested positive for COVID-19, are a close contact of a person with COVID-19, or if the employee otherwise suspects that they might have contracted COVID-19, they should immediately contact their supervisor following the above guidance.

      The supervisor will provide appropriate guidance for leave and inform the Health Command Operations Center at the Navajo Department of Health portal. The HCOC will notify the appropriate IHS and 638 Service Area facility for case investigation and contact tracing.

      Below are the steps for an employee is showing COVID-19 symptoms.

    • C. Case Investigation and Contact-Tracing
    • Employ the assistance of HCOC and local healthcare providers with case investigation and contact-tracing. HCOC will work with IHS and 638 Service Area facilities to assist with case management and contact-tracing on workers exposed to someone who has probable or confirmed COVID-19. Since contacttracing involves personal and confidential medical information, it should not only be conducted by authorized personnel within the Division.

      For employee and supervisor information, the following are general steps that will be undertaken by the contact-tracers:

      • Confirmation that the employee was at work while he/she was contagious (i.e., at any time from 48 hours before symptom onset, or date of test, until they effectively isolated).
      • Identification of who else outside of the work place the employee may have been in contact with while he/she may have been shedding virus.
      • Confidential follow-up with close contacts to assess symptoms and refer for testing.

      Contact-tracing will be conducted by the health professionals at the appropriate Service Area facility. However, the Case Management staff will be the supervisor’s point of contact for health professionals to provide them with pertinent information related to the contact tracing, such as the following

      • Employee task records;
      • Timesheets; and
      • Contact information for employees.

      Contact tracer personnel will ensure the confidentiality of employees who are close contacts or have symptoms or positive test results. Do not inform the employee’s co-workers, or other Navajo Nation employees who do not have a need to know, of the identity of the symptomatic or COVID-positive person to whom they may have been exposed. They will maintain records on all actions taken that pertain to the positive test; these records must be kept confidential. Confidential information in hard copy will be locked up in a cabinet or office. Confidential information on a computer or laptop will be password protected. Finally, direct the employee’s supervisor to ensure compliance with CDC guidelines regarding disinfection of the employee’s and their contacts’ workspaces: Click here (see below about reopening the facility).

      All identified close contacts should be tested for COVID-19, but this will be managed by the Service Unit/638 PHNs, not the Division.

      Contacts identified by the investigating health professionals should remain home and separate themselves from others for 14 days after the date of last contact with the employee with a positive test. Contacts who develop symptoms should promptly isolate themselves, and notify the contact tracer who they have been assigned to, and their supervisor, immediately.

    • D. Decisions regarding return-to-work
    • Employees diagnosed with COVID-19 may discontinue isolation only when the following conditions are met (to be verified by the Public Health Nurse managing the employee’s case):

      • the patient is/was symptomatic: at least 72 hours since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms and at least 10 days have passed since the beginning of symptoms.
      • the patient is/was without symptoms: at least 10 days have passed since the date of their test, provided that they have not developed symptoms in the meantime.

      Contacts can discontinue quarantine 14 days from date of last contact with positive case, as long as they do not develop any symptoms.

    • E. Closing and reopening areas after a case has occurred
    • Upon the submission of a potential exposure to HCOC, the Health Command Operations Center will coordinate with Navajo OSHA and the HCOC Safety Officer(s) to address the extent of a closure. Without proper documentation to close office may not justify and comply with DPM policies.

      • Worksite facilities should routinely be cleaned each day. If a positive case has been in the facility within the past 7 days, the area used by the case should be closed off immediately. These following steps should be taken:
      • Entire facility does not need to be closed, only the affected/exposed areas should be closed.
      • Wait 24 hours before or longer (if possible) before you clean or disinfect the facility.
      • Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the affected area.
      • Clean and disinfect all areas used by the person who has tested positive, e.g., offices, common areas (bathrooms, lunch rooms), keyboards, shared electronic equipment.
      • Employees determined not to have been in close contacts can return to work after facility disinfection and management authorization.
      • If more than 7 days have elapsed since the person who is sick visited or used the facility, additional professional cleaning and disinfection is may not be necessary.

      For updated information, regularly check the following page. Click Here and

      We can all help to keep our workspaces clean by removing worksite clutter and wiping down high-touch surfaces. Should a facility or area need to be closed for 24 hours as described above, department supervisors (or designated supervisors) shall ensure that all of their employees are placed on the appropriate type of leave or alternative work schedule.

    13. Leave from Work for COVID-19 Reasons
    • A. Division Responsibility
    • Each Division’s Worksite safety procedures and guidelines should provide information and directions about COVID-19 leave, specific to the Division’s departments and programs, that conform to the current Navajo Nation Personnel Policies Manual (NNPPM) and current Public Health Emergency Orders and Executive Orders.

    • B. Essential employees
    • Pursuant to NNPPM Section X(B)(3)(h), on page 44 of the June 3, 2020 version (see DPM’s website, linked below), essential employees may be eligible for COVID-19 leave under certain conditions, as long as a COVID-19 Declaration of Emergency remains in effect. If the COVID-19 leave conditions are not met, or if a Declaration of Emergency is not in effect, the employee who otherwise would have been eligible for COVID-19 leave must request and use leave in conformance with the NNPPM’s other leave provisions.

    • C. Non-essential employees
    • Non-essential employees must request and use leave in conformance with the NNPPM. Should a non-essential employee already be on administrative leave, no additional leave request will need to be made or authorized, as the employee already is on leave.

    14. Additional Guidance

    Additionally, supervisors are encouraged to consider adopting the following measures in their Worksite safety procedures and guidelines, to further reduce the chances of exposure to COVID-19:

    • A. Identify a “knowledgeable” safety monitor and a Health Command Operations Center Liaison, as well as an alternate monitor and HCOC Liaison for each office and worksite. For some Divisions, this could be the same person.
    • B.Implement engineering controls where appropriate. Inspect and modify building ventilation (HVAC) systems as needed. Install physical barriers where needed (e.g., a Plexiglas barrier at each receptionist area).
    14. Vaccination Guidance

    Navajo Nation employees are recommended to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in the Phase 1B of the Navajo Nation COVID-19 Prioritization as an Essential Government entity. In order to access or be informed about COVID-19 vaccine, ensure staff receive information regarding:

    • A. Visit the Navajo Nation COVID-19 Vaccine webpage to receive information about prioritization of persons to receive a vaccine and FAQs at Click here.
    • B.Employees seeking a vaccine will either receive a phone call from their health care provider or attend a closed or open pod event hosted by the local health facility.
    • C. If an employee has not received a vaccine, sign up on the registry at Visit At . When it is your turn, health facility staff will contact you for an opportunity or an event. Individuals are encouraged to receive a vaccine at their local health facility.
    • D.It’s important to receive both doses of the vaccine to be more effective.
    • E.After you receive your first and second vaccine dose, please continue the following preventive measures:
      • Continue to wear masks in public, practice social distancing, clean and disinfect high tough surface areas, and wash your hands. Receiving the vaccine is voluntary and not mandatory. However, your job description or job requirements may mandate that you receive the vaccine (medical staff, public safety staff, essential employees.)

    Safety Training and Designated Safety Officer and Monitors

    The Division’s Recovery or Workplace Safety Plan shall identify safety personnel to ensure implementation of safety protocols and measures at worksites. The safety officer and monitors shall receive training from the Health Command Operations Center and NOSHA initially and on a regular basis.

    Safety Officer
    The safety officer will conduct a daily walk thru to ensure that preventive measures and proper safety documentation are in place and are being practiced daily. The safety officer shall arrange training for programs to ensure work place safety in collaboration with Health Command Operations Center (HCOC) Safety Section and Navajo Occupational Safety and Health Administration (NOSHA).

    Safety Monitor
    The designated safety monitor will oversee internal programs on proper preventive measures against COVID-19 are met and are in compliance. He/she will be responsible in providing and keeping accurate information on all information related to safety. He/she will ensure that staff report potential exposures to the Health Command Operations Center timely. He/she must understand that the Navajo Nation Privacy Act must be followed to keep all information of exposures confidential.

    Division Recovery or Workplace Safety Plan Checklist

    The following checklist is provided to: 1) assist Divisions in implementing their Recovery or Workplace Safety Plan, and 2) assist the Administration in keeping track of implementation of Division Recovery or Workplace Safety Plan. Divisions should spend the coming days performing action items pertaining to the checklist (e.g. order PPE and other supplies, arrange any and all Alternative Work Schedules). Once a Division has completed the plan guided by the checklist, it should be sent to Milton Bluehouse Jr. at mbluehouse@navajo-nsn. gov.

    Safety Officer and Safety Monitors:Did you identify a competent person to provide safety measures in your division or department? Are you aware that these could be considered as other duties assigned?

    Do you have a designated safety officer for the division/department?
    Do you have a designated safety monitor(s) for the division/department and programs in the field offices?
    Did you inform staff that additional duties may be assigned to them?

    Identifying Potential Exposures: Are staff informed about the process to not to come to or to leave worksite if showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19?

    Does your procedures, guidance inform when staff should not come to work if showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms?
    Do your procedures or guidance inform when staff should not come to work if exposed to another person with COVID-19 and considered as a close contact? Do your procedures and guidance inform staff to quarantine for 14-days if identified as a close contact?

    Alternative Work Schedules: What does your plan provide with regard to Alternative Work Schedules in order to reduce the number of personnel at the worksite at one time, and what steps have you taken to effectuate your plans?

    Do your procedures and guidelines provide that employees may be able to telecommute?
    Have you reviewed the Department of Personnel Management’s Telecommuting Procedures?
    Have your Department Supervisors yet determined which personnel will be eligible to telecommute?
    Have you approved any Telecommute Agreements yet, and have you acquired the necessary signatures, as provided in the Department of Personnel Management’s Telecommuting Procedures?
    Have you submitted any completed Telecommute Agreements to the Department of Personnel Management yet?
    Will your personnel who will be telecommuting have all the equipment they need to perform their work duties while telecommuting?
    Are there any technological or funding deficiencies preventing your Division from implementing telecommuting?
    Do your procedures and guidelines provide for staggered work schedule(s)?
    Would the staggered work schedule(s) result in any hourly-wage employees working fewer than normal work-hours?
    Have you discussed the staggered work schedule(s) with affected personnel and have there been any objections?
    Have you submitted any written notification and copies of the staggered work schedule(s) to the Department of Personnel Management, Payroll and Risk Management?
    Has the Department of Personnel Management approved any staggered work schedule(s) you have submitted?
    Does the nature of the work any of your personnel are engaged in make staggering schedules infeasible?

    Vulnerable Personnel: How does your plan account for vulnerable personnel (i.e. elderly personnel and personnel with underlying health conditions increasing their risk for severe harm from COVID-19), and the steps have you taken to administer your plans to protect vulnerable personnel?

    Have you contacted personnel within your division/department to inquire about whether any are vulnerable persons (who may be affected severely by COVID-19?
    Have personnel who have reached out to you about being vulnerable 1) informed you of any and all conditions rendering them vulnerable and 2) what, if any, accommodations they would request in order to secure their health and safety?
    Have you offered such vulnerable personnel the option to telecommute or work a staggered work schedule?
    Have you entered into any Telecommute Agreements with such ulnerable personnel?
    Have you submitted any Telecommute Agreements with such vulnerable personnel to the Department of Personnel Management, Payroll, and Risk Management yet?

    Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”): HHow does your Worksite Safety Plan account for disinfecting workspaces, and what steps have you taken to obtain disinfectant products to be ready for use upon return of personnel to the worksite?

    Have you identified the kinds of disinfectant products you may need to provide?
    Have you ordered any disinfectant products?
    Have you obtained any disinfectant products?

    Disinfectant Products: How does your Worksite Safety Plan account for disinfecting workspaces, and what steps have you taken to obtain disinfectant products to be ready for use upon return of personnel to the worksite?

    Have you identified the kinds of disinfectant products you may need to provide?
    Have you ordered any disinfectant products?
    Have you obtained any disinfectant products?

    Process for Case Investigation and Contact Tracing for Employees: : How does your plan address reporting of potential exposures, cleaning requests, and isolation/quarantine recommendations?

    Do your procedures and guidelines provide instructions on how to report a potential exposure to the safety officer or safety monitor then onward to HCOC portal?
    Do your procedures and guidelines provide information to submit a work order request for basic cleaning to FMD?
    Do your procedures and guidelines provide information to submit a 213 to HCOC Planning at to request deep cleaning for a potential exposure?
    Do your procedures and guidelines provide information about exposures and their potential contacts will be kept confidential?

    Decisions regarding return-to-work: Does the Worksite Plan provide information about when to return to work and proper closures follow guidelines?

    Do your procedures and guidelines provide information of the process to obtain proper closure after a potential exposure?
    Print out Questionnaire Print

    Please provide answers to the following questions on a separate sheet and attach it to this checklist when you submit it. Please number your answers to match the corresponding questions.

    1. Please attach a list of the positions in your department which are able, and which you intend to allow, to telecommute.
    2. What percentage-reduction in personnel at the worksite do you anticipate from implementing telecommuting?
    3. Please attach a copy of any written staggered work schedules you have developed.
    4. What percentage-reduction in personnel at the worksite do you anticipate from implementing staggered work schedules?
    5. What type of PPE do you need?
    6. Will you provide training on the proper and safe use of PPE?
    7. How much PPE do you need to have a sufficient supply:
      • How many face-masks?
      • How many gloves?
      • How many face shields?
      • How much of other kinds of PPE?
    8. How much PPE do you have left to obtain in order to reach a sufficient supply?
    9. What type of disinfectant products do you need?
    10. How much of disinfectant products do you need to have a sufficient supply?
      • How many bottles of hand-sanitizer (please specify size of bottle, e.g. 8 oz, 12 oz)?
      • How many packages of disinfectant wipes (please specify number of wipes per package)?
      • How many hypochlorous acid production devices?
      • How many gallons of bleach?
      • How many paper towel roles or cloth wipes?
      • How many spray bottles?
      • Please list amount and type of any other disinfecting products needed.
      • Please explain any other cleaning and disinfecting products or services you lack (for example, washing machine and dryer, carpet cleaner)
    11. How much disinfectant products do you have left to obtain in order to reach a sufficient supply?
    12. What concerns about working on site have your personnel expressed? Please attach a separate sheet explaining any and all concerns that personnel have expressed.
    13. Have any personnel stated that they might not return to work when administrative leave ends? What reasons have they given for their concern about returning?
    Print out Questionnaire Print


    CDC Guidance for Businesses and Employers: Click Here

    CDC Social Distancing: Click Here

    OSHA Guidance for Preparing for COVID-19 in the Workplace: Click Here

    Navajo Nation Personnel Policies Manual, on the Department of Personnel Management website: Click Here

    COVID-19 Safety Presentation for Navajo Nation Employees


    Alternative Work Schedule: An exception to the basic tour of duty, including the location at which an employee works, approved by a Division with written notification and written work schedule submitted to the Department of Personnel Management, Payroll and Risk Management. For purposes of these Guidelines, Staggered Work Schedules and Telecommuting are the primary kinds of Alternative Work Schedules.

    Case: an individual whom a laboratory has confirmed to be infected with COVID-19.

    Close Contact: an individual who was within six feet of a person with COVID-19 for fifteen minutes or longer

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019): a respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

    COVID-19 Leave: a kind of administrative leave provided in the Navajo Nation Personnel Policies Manual.

    Essential Service: Healthcare Operation, Essential Governmental Functions, Essential Infrastructure (e.g., courts of law, medical providers for urgent care, public utilities, and critical school operations such as nutrition programs) (From Public Health Emergency Order No. 2020-002, March 19, 2020 and expanded through Public Health Emergency Order No. 2020-003, March 20, 2020 to include food cultivation (including farming and livestock), grocery stores, food banks, convenience stores, hardware stores and other establishments engaged in the retail sale of groceries and non-grocery products necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation and essential operation of residences, among other things).

    Essential Employee: an employee that is necessary to maintain basic, direct government or enterprise services.

    Exposure: an individual who has come into contact with a cause of, or possessing a characteristic that is a determinant of, a particular health problem Click Here

    High-Risk Individual/Population - Individuals of age 65 years or older and those with underlying health conditions: (see list of underlying conditions applicable to COVID-19 at: Click Here

    Hours Worked: The time an essential employee spends on the work premises or at a designated workplace performing services of benefit to the Navajo Nation, including documented work performed while telecommuting.

    Navajo Nation Division (or “Division”): A Division, Department, Program, or subdivision thereof, of the Navajo Nation Executive Branch, or a non-Local-Governance-Act-Certified Chapter Government. Divisions are vested with responsibility for creating re-occupancy procedures and guidelines.

    Personal Protective Equipment (commonly referred to as “PPE”): equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses. PPE may include items such as gloves, gown, face-masks, safety glasses/face shield, and shoe covers, earplugs or muffs, hard hats, respirators, or coveralls, vests and full body suits. For purposes of these Guidelines, PPE refers to equipment designed to prevent COVID-19 spread.

    Re-occupancy procedures and guidelines: A Division’s document outlining the rules to be followed by a Division in re-occupying worksites during the COVID-19 pandemic. Among other things, this document may include PPE-wearing requirements, testing requirements, procedures for implementing alternative work arrangements (e.g. staggered schedules, telecommuting agreements), and workplace safety practices (e.g. social distancing, prohibiting in-person meetings).

    Social Distancing: also known as “physical distancing,” means keeping space between oneself and other people outside of one’s home. For purposes of COVID-19, social/physical distancing requires keeping at least six feet between oneself and others.

    Special Duty Pay: additional pay for being on call and performing essential government services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Staggered Work Schedule: a voluntary or mandated Alternative Work Schedule, for which employees’ schedules are staggered in order to reduce the number of employees at the worksite at one time. (For example, half of employees come in from 8 A.M. to 12 P.M., and the other half come in from 1 P.M. to 5 P.M.).

    Telecommuting: a voluntary or mandated Alternative Work Schedule, for which an employee performs some or all assigned duties at home or from a location other than the normal worksite.

    Telecommuting Agreement: an agreement between a Division and an employee, as provided by the Department of Personnel Management’s Telecommuting Procedures.

    Worksite: The physical location at which personnel normally would appear to for work.

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